The Top Facelift Questions Answered

Is a facelift right for you? Before you choose this rejuvenating option, take a look at the top facelift procedure questions patients have answered.

Are Facelifts Popular Procedures?

According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS), in 2019 doctors performed more than 123,600 of these procedures in the United States. This statistic makes the facelift (medically known as rhytidectomy) the fifth most common cosmetic surgical procedure in the country.

What Results Should Patients Expect?

What will a rhytidectomy do for you? While results may vary by patient, this anti-aging procedure can correct or reduce facial wrinkles, sagging skin, and jowls. This creates a younger, rejuvenated, or tighter look.

Will This Procedure Also Rejuvenate the Eye Area?

Even though a rhytidectomy helps to create a youthful appearance, by itself this procedure won't necessarily change the shape or freshness of the eye area. Some patients choose to add a brow lift or eyelid surgery to this procedure. This combination provides a full rejuvenation effect—including the lower and upper parts of your face.

Will This Procedure Stop the Aging Process?

No cosmetic procedure will stop the aging process. A rhytidectomy can give you a youthful look with tighter skin and fewer lines. But that doesn't mean it will stop aging completely. While this procedure is long-lasting, over time you will notice age-related changes again. This may mean you need a repeat rhytidectomy in the future.

Do Facelifts Always Require a Surgical Procedure?

A true rhytidectomy is always a cosmetic surgical procedure. The process requires anesthesia and incisions, making this an invasive rejuvenation option. If you prefer a non- or less invasive approach, injectable fillers, chemical peels, and wrinkle-reducing fillers (such as botulinum toxin) won't require surgery.

Who Performs This Procedure?

Like any other surgical procedure, only a licensed medical doctor with a specialty in surgery should perform this procedure. A nurse, esthetician, or unlicensed provider should never perform this type of surgical lift. Before you choose a surgeon, ask the medical professional about their experience, expertise, and education.

What Is the Recovery Like?

The specific time-frame for your recovery depends on the procedure itself, your general health, your body's ability to heal, and how well you follow the doctor's directions. The surgeon will provide you with post-op instructions for activity limits, wound care, and pain management.

You may have swelling, bruising, and pain or discomfort in the days after the surgery. These symptoms should gradually improve, allowing you to return to your normal daily routine by weeks to a month after the surgery.
